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Simply Bee Products

5 Steps To Grow A Resilient Mind

“Therapy in between therapy” is how many are describing 5 Steps To Grow A Resilient Mind. Written by experienced therapist Audrey Grunst, LCSW for clients who need a little more support than what traditional once-a-week therapy provides, Audrey put her knowledge on paper to teach anyone how to grow themselves anytime and anywhere.

This book takes an in-depth look at each of the five steps of Audrey's Growth & Resiliency Model©, providing background information, tangible skills, and journaling template pages to practice what you've learned. Personal growth is not a quick process, but this book is designed to make it easy and fun.

The 5 Steps:
Become Aware
Observe Objectively
Respond Responsibly 
Integrate Effectively
Grow Resilience


Online Wellness Trainings

Taught by our team of licensed therapists, these online courses cover a variety of topics all focused around wellness. Course instructors will provide lessons, strategies and tangible skills to help you live a more fulfilled, purposeful life. Complete with approximately 15 minutes of video trainings, emails to keep you engaged, and PDF worksheets to practice what you're learning, these courses are the perfect way to take care of your mental health from the comfort of your home. 

Available Courses

How To Deal With School Refusal & School Anxiety

Is your child/teen struggling with anxiety related to school, resulting in them not wanting and/or refusing to go? Are you feeling stuck, frustrated and uncertain of how to best support them while still getting them out the door in the morning?

The school environment creates mental and physical symptoms of anxiety in many kids — which often causes them to want to avoid school altogether. As a parent, it's a challenge to understand how your child is feeling and how to provide support while being firm about their attendance.

Eric Stevenson, LPC & therapist at Simply Bee, works with many clients and families experiencing school refusal and school anxiety. He has created a new, 2-part online course to provide education on what anxious kids are experiencing, the cycle of anxiety & school refusal and what you can do as a parent to help your child manage symptoms and return to school. If you're struggling with this cycle in your home, be sure to check out this course today!




Supporting Emotional Regulation in Kids As A Parent

Are you the parent of a little one who:

  • Struggles with new experiences or transitions?
  • Has frequent tantrums and seems consistently overwhelmed?
  • Shuts down completely when experiencing big emotions?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you! These behaviors are a common result of emotional dysregulation in young kids who are in the early developmental stages of life.

Knowing how to best support them as a parent is a challenge. Facilitator Annie Peck, LPC created this course to help you understand the causes behind emotional dysregulation and what you can do to help foster appropriate emotional responses in your household. Complete with tangible coping skills and compassionate encouragement, this course is here to support you as you navigate the journey of raising little humans with big emotions. 




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