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Dietitian Services

Here at Simply Bee, we are passionate about holistic wellness. We understand that wraparound services that emphasize all aspects of wellness are important for improving a client's quality of life. Our dietitian services are available for children, adolescents & adults, with a focus on providing personalized, compassionate nutritional guidance tailored to your unique health goals and dietary preferences. 
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Adult, Adolescent & Child Dietitian Services

Food and nutrition are a crucial element of overall wellness, playing a big role in physical, mental and emotional health. Through our dieitian services, we strive to help clients optimize their nutrition to support their individual goals. Whether you're looking for additional help managing a specific health condition, recovering from an eating disorder, or gaining knowledge on balanced nutrition, our expert team is here to guide you in finding a holistic balance between your mind and body.

What to expect from dietitian services:

  • Comprehensive assessments
  • Personalized nutrition plans
  • Education to optimize overall health and well-being
  • Counseling and support to address emotional and behavioral aspects of eating habits
  • Parent coaching available

BCBS PPO | In-Person & Telehealth*

*For those who qualify

Meet The Team

Shannon Dickinson, MS, RDN, LDN

Registered Dietitian

Specialties: Eating Disorders | Intuitive Eating | Chronic Dieting | Digestive Complications | Body Image Management | Medical Nutrition Therapy | HAES Aligned

Shannon is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian who earned her Master’s degree in nutrition and wellness, with an emphasis in counseling, from Bradley University. She has experience working at the PHP/IOP and Outpatient level of care, treating adolescents and adults with eating disorders.

Shannon is Health at Every Size (HAES) informed and takes a weight neutral approach to nutrition therapy, utilizing the Intuitive Eating principles to assist individuals in healing their relationship with food and their body. Whether your goal is to learn how to manage a health condition through nutrition or heal your relationship with food, Shannon brings compassion and understanding to each session.

Our Approach

Health At Every Size (HAES)

Health at Every Size (HAES) is a holistic approach to health and well-being that challenges the conventional emphasis on weight as a determinant of health. Instead, HAES promotes the idea that individuals of all body sizes deserve respect and access to health-promoting resources. At its core, HAES rejects weight-centric thinking and the use of weight or BMI as measures of health, acknowledging that health is multifaceted and influenced by various factors beyond body size. The main principles of HAES include weight inclusivity, which recognizes that health behaviors are more important than weight; health enhancement, which focuses on improving overall well-being rather than weight loss; respectful care, which emphasizes compassionate and nonjudgmental healthcare practices; eating for well-being, which encourages intuitive eating and joyful movement; and life-enhancement movement, which advocates for physical activity for pleasure rather than weight control.  HAES promotes a shift in focus from weight to holistic health, emphasizing self-acceptance, body positivity, and sustainable health behaviors for individuals of all sizes.

Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating, developed by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995, is a self-care approach to eating that integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought. It is a weight-inclusive and evidence-based framework supported by over 100 studies and a validated assessment scale. This personal and evolving process encompasses the ten principles listed to the right.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn from the experts about some of our most frequently asked questions! You'll learn: 
  1. What a dietitian does and why someone might see a dietitian
  2. How a dietitian can support a medical diagnosis as well as lifestyle goals
  3. What to expect at your first appointment
  4. And more!



Mindful Body Image E-Book

Conversations about food, nutrition and body image can feel challenging - especially when it comes to young people. Therapists Olivia Ritter, LPC & Kelli Segerson, MS created this resource to provide tools, strategies and a compassionate framework for adults to nurture positive body image and self-esteem in the young people in their lives.


Fulfilling My Mind, Body & Me E-Book

Eating disorders affect tens of millions of people around the world and are often misunderstood. Olivia Ritter, LPC created this educational e-book to build understanding of the difference between eating disorders and disordered eating, shed light on how society influences us, provide tools for reframing unhelpful food and body image thoughts.


Other Services You May Be Interested In...

Medication Management

We specialize in medication management and psychiatric care for clients as they learn to cope with their mental health. Through our psychiatric services, our goal is to help clients feel more capable and confident, build resilience and cope with challenges. Our experienced psychiatric team will work collaboratively with the client and family to explore all options, monitor symptoms and behaviors and make appropriate adjustments along the way. 

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Outpatient Therapy

At Simply Bee, we strive to provide a safe, compassionate space for all people to cope, heal and grow. Our focus is not to get rid of negative feelings but rather to work together to find healthy strategies for managing them and living an overall more joyful life. Through therapy, our goal is to help you find new ways to engage in your life as well as to provide the necessary skills to improve the way your mind and body respond to your experiences.

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Audrey Grunst

Audrey's Bio






Outpatient Counseling









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