Growing A Resilient Mind In The Workplace

Oct 15, 2024

On the heels of this year’s World Mental Health Day theme of “Mental Health at Work,” we’re reminded of the increasing need for employees & employers alike to prioritize mental wellness in the workplace. In today's fast-paced work environments, stress, burnout, and mental exhaustion can feel inevitable. But what if, instead of feeling stuck in overwhelm, we could approach workplace challenges equipped with a mindset and skills geared towards growth and resilience?  

Simply Bee CEO Audrey Grunst, LCSW, developed the Growth & Resiliency Model© to help individuals not just survive but thrive as they navigate the ups and downs of their personal and professional lives. By focusing on the five steps of the model—becoming aware, observing, responding, integrating and growing —you can increase your resilience in the workplace and develop skills to handle stressful moments more effectively. Let’s dive into each step and explore...

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Recognizing the Signs: How Parents and Educators Can Support Teens Experiencing Suicidal Ideation

Sep 11, 2024

Being a teenager is an emotional rollercoaster – filled with highs and lows that can feel overwhelming as they navigate the pressures of school, social dynamics, and the challenge of figuring out who they are. For some teens, this sense of overwhelm can become so intense that it leads to feelings of hopelessness, isolation, and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts.  

Parents and educators are often the first to notice when a teen is struggling, and their support can make all the difference. Research shows that the presence and care of just one attentive adult has a profound impact a teen's life, providing the reassurance and stability they need to navigate their big emotions.  

While discussing suicide can be difficult, it is an essential conversation—especially during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Let’s talk about how we can recognize the signs and step in with the care and resources to support the teens in our lives.  


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A Guide for Parents Navigating School Refusal: Understanding Levels of Care

Aug 14, 2024

The transition back to school brings with it many emotions – from excitement to anxiety and everything in between. For some students, the excitement of seeing friends and starting a new school year is overshadowed by big feelings of worry or fear, leading to school refusal. If you’ve ever dealt with school refusal in your home or family, then you know it's a challenging experience for both parents and students alike. When kids refuse to attend school, it can be frustrating and stressful - and it's important to remember that they are not being difficult on purpose. They are struggling with something deeper that needs understanding, support, and appropriate intervention. 

Knowing the right steps and options available often feels overwhelming. Let’s dive into the ins and outs of school refusal, explore the levels of care available for mental health support and identify a few strategies for helping your child navigate school refusal. 


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Breaking Stigma: Mental Health Awareness MonthĀ 

May 06, 2024

 As May unfolds and the world awakens to the warmth of spring, we also welcome Mental Health Awareness Month. This month is a time to illuminate the importance of joining together to break down the barriers that cover mental health in stigma and silence.  

Mental health affects us all, regardless of age, gender, or background – and while we’ve seen significant progress, there remains secrecy and shame around the subject. This stigma not only prevents individuals from seeking help when they need it but also prevents open dialogue about mental health challenges. As we continue through this Mental Health Awareness Month, let's explore why destigmatizing mental health is so crucial and how each of us can play a part in increasing understanding and compassion within our own circles. 

The Truth About Stigma 

Did you know that stigma remains one of the biggest barriers preventing individuals from seeking help for their mental health? According to the...

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The Power Of Connection

Apr 09, 2024

Spring is here, and with it comes longer days, more sun and an opportunity to come out of winter hibernation and reconnect. On the heels of a 2023 Surgeon General Advisory on the epidemic of isolation and loneliness, this idea of connection has become more and more of a hot topic. In today's fast-paced world, where screens often dominate our interactions and busy schedules can leave us feeling isolated, prioritizing meaningful connections is more vital than ever.  

In alignment with this push for connection, MTV Entertainment’s 4th annual Mental Health Action Day is centering around just that – empowering people to spend 1 hour connecting with family, friends and community. Simply Bee is proud to be a part of this movement with our family-friendly community walk coming up on May 16th - we invite you to join us! 

As we gear up for this event, let’s take a moment to dive a bit deeper into the theme of connection - focusing on its significant impact on...

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Rewriting The Story: Strategies For Empowering Positive Body Image

Feb 13, 2024

From a young age, we are filled with ideas about what we ‘should’ look like, what we ‘should’ wear and what we ‘should’ do to achieve these standards. Living in this world of shoulds can quickly make us think and feel pretty negatively about our bodies. For people of all ages, and young people especially, this kind of negative body image can profoundly impact confidence and self-worth. 

The good news? We have the power to rewrite this story, not only for ourselves, but for the young ones in our lives, too! Shifting the narrative starts with building awareness of how societal messages deeply shape body image. With this awareness, we can learn strategies for how to foster positive body image in ourselves, and in turn, empower younger generations to do the same. Let’s dive in! 

Comparison Culture & Its Impact 

We hear all the time that society is filled with unrealistic messages – but have you ever taken the time to...

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Navigating the Holiday Blues: Prioritizing Mental Health This Season

Dec 11, 2023

‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la... 

For some, the holiday season is just that: a time of joy and celebration. For many others, though, it can also bring a wave of stress, sadness, and anxiety. Whether it's the pressure to create the perfect celebration, cope with loneliness and loss, or navigate complicated family dynamics, the holiday blues are a real and challenging experience.  

If you’re someone who feels the weight of the holidays each year, know that you are not alone and that ALL the emotions of the season are valid – both positive and negative.  

Let’s take a look at some common triggers of holiday-related stress and sadness, and more importantly, talk about some practical tips and coping strategies for navigating this time with self-compassion and a focus on well-being.  

What’s Weighing On You? 

Each person has a unique experience with this time of year, but there are some common triggers that...

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The Science of Gratitude: How Thankfulness Rewires Your Brain for Better Mental Health

Nov 13, 2023

As the last of the Halloween candy gets eaten and the spooky decorations make their way back into the closet, we start to look ahead towards the holidays. As we head into a season of thanksgiving, we hear ‘gratitude’ come up often. While this topic feels intrinsically important to us, it can also start to feel like an overused and nebulous idea. It sounds great in theory but can start to feel pointless when we don't feel connected to its true power. 

What's fascinating (and potentially surprising!) to learn is that gratitude is not just a feel-good sentiment; it's a scientifically proven way to rewire your brain and boost your mental well-being. With this in mind, let's explore gratitude through a whole new lens and discover its true purpose this season and beyond. 

The Science Behind Gratitude 

Gratitude is a simple, yet profound, practice that extends far beyond just saying "thank you." It’s a mindset. It’s a unique way of approaching the...

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From Self-Doubt to Self-Worth: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Oct 10, 2023

“I don’t deserve to be here.” 

"I'm not as smart as they think I am." 

"It's only a matter of time before I fail." 

“________ is better than me.” 

Do any of these feel familiar? Perhaps you’ve said them to yourself a couple times...or maybe a couple hundred times. You may not even be fully aware of these thoughts, but they can quickly have a pretty big impact on your life – influencing your decisions, your confidence and your overall growth potential. 

This type of thinking contributes to what has been termed Imposter Syndrome. We've all heard of it, and many of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. While we may be intimately familiar with it, what’s less clear is how to put a stop to it. Let’s do some digging into Imposter Syndrome – understanding what it is, how it manifests at different points of our lives, and most importantly, some strategies to conquer it. 

What Is...

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Resilience: A Pillar of Hope in Suicide Prevention

Sep 12, 2023

Suicide has touched each of our lives in different and profound ways. Maybe you’ve struggled with suicidal thoughts yourself. Maybe someone you love died by suicide. Maybe you’re supporting a friend who has lost someone. No matter how this topic has impacted you, Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is a critical time for us all to join hands, share knowledge, and renew our commitment to addressing one of the most pressing public health concerns of our time.  

Research has shown that there are both risk and protective factors against suicide. When we increase our awareness of these factors, we can work to protect ourselves and others. One of the most important and often overlooked protective factors is resilience. Let's dive into the powerful connection between resilience and suicide prevention, and why it matters so much to cultivate this quality in ourselves and those we care about. 

The Current Picture 

Globally, more than 700,000 lives are lost...

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